Friday, July 11, 2008

June 2008 - Ohio

We took a long 12 hour drive up to Columbus, OH on June 21 to visit Sashi's parents.  Neel was a little fussy on the way up and I don't blame him as he was restrained in his car seat.  We did manage to make about 4 stops along the way.  About an hour after crossing the W.Va. border into Ohio, we drove through a heavy rainstorm.  As we approached Columbus, a beautiful sunset appeared.  When we arrived at Manamma's and ThaTha's, it was still a little light out and the air was cool.  While we were there, we made a trip to a local park, visited family friends, got caught in a Tornado Watch and huddled in the basement, went to the Columbus Zoo, went out to eat, went to Niagara Falls and Toronto, ON, went to the Hindu Temple in Pittsburgh, went shopping and painted rooms in the house.
Elephants at the Columbus Zoo on 6/26/08.
Manamma, Neel, Hima, Isabelle, Divya & Jayanth at the Columbus Zoo.
Kitties playing.
Neel on the boat at the Zoo.
The kids are still energetic at the end of the day.
Neel and Divya sharing a stroller.
A cool Rhino.
I think this was called a Shade Bear.
Another beautiful kitty.
Anu playing.

The kids lounging the first day.
Arriving at the Zoo.  It turned out to be a very HOT day.
At a nearby park the first day.
Playing "pan for gold".
On the train.
I love trains!
Driving up.  This is in near Mt. Airy
I'm pooped.
I'm tired of riding in the car.
Driving into Ohio after the rainstorm.
Beautiful sunset.

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